| Location | |||
1609-013 Distribution - Interim management field distribution - Center region (capital) 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 1... | Undefined | |||
1609-012 Communication Interim Manager - Head of ATL 1- BtoB, 2- BtoC, 04- Communication, 01- MNO , 7- Relations ... | Undefined | |||
1609-011 Distribution - Interim management field distribution - Norh-West region 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 1... | Undefined | |||
1609-010 Distribution manager - talent for magagement succession plan 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 5... | Undefined | |||
1609-009 Distribution back office/sales support expert 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 04- Budget... | Undefined | |||
1609-008 Distribution - Expert POS development and POS visibility 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 0... | Undefined | |||
1609-006 Senior HR expert/coach employee engagement 10- RH / HR , 2- Bilan de compétences / Competencies review,... | Undefined | |||
1609-003 Senior architect IT 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Infrastructure, 2- Architect IT /... | Undefined | |||
1609-001 BSS Architect / Business Analyst 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Architect IT / IT Architect, 3- S... | Undefined | |||
1608-007 Expert Marketing - Chef de produit / chef de projet CDN (Content Delivery Network) 5- TV Mobile / TV on mobile, 6- Fibre / Fiber, 01- MNO, 1- ... | Undefined | |||
1608-006 Développeur outillage : mise en place d’environnement d’intégration / déploiement continu automatisation des tests 08- Informatique / IT , 02- Français / French ... | Undefined | |||
1608-005 Ingénieur Sécurité senior 08- Informatique / IT , 3- Gestion de la sécurité / Security... | Undefined | |||
1608-004 Enterprise & SME group Sales Director (permanent job) 1- BtoB, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2-... | Undefined | |||
1608-001 Mobil Money expert 01- Marketing, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distributi... | Undefined | |||
1607-004 Sales Director (permanent local job) 01- GSM, 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distrib... | Undefined | |||
1607-003 Consultant Marketing BtoC Broadband pour le cadrage du plan stratégique d'un opérateur d'Afrique Sub-Saharien 4- Fixe Box / Landline Box, 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 2- March... | Undefined | |||
1607-002 Senior IT Architect – spécialiste digitalisation 05- Digital, 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Architect IT / IT Ar... | Undefined | |||
1607-001 Broadband marketing expert 01- Marketing, 01- GSM, 2- CDMA, 6- Fibre / Fiber, 7- DSL , ... | Undefined | |||
1606-009 Architect IT sénior 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Architect IT / IT Architect , 02-... | Undefined | |||
1606-008 Expert schéma directeur DSI 08- Informatique / IT , 4- Plan de restructuration / Restruc... | Undefined | |||
1606-007 IT Support et chef de projet réseau informatique et sécurité Electronique 07- Technique / Network, 08- Informatique / IT, 4- Wifi, 8- ... | Undefined | |||
1606-006 2 strategy experts for a 5 year strategic plan for an operator in Africa 1- BtoB, 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 1- Pays développés / Develo... | Undefined | |||
1606-005 Chef de projet IT senior - développement 05- Digital, 06- PMO, 08- Informatique / IT , 4- AMOA / IT b... | Undefined | |||
1606-003 Mobile Money expert - launch opportunity study - Asia 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging coun... | Undefined | |||
1606-002 PMO - PRIME change Manager 06- PMO, 1- BtoB , 4- Plan de restructuration / Restructurin... | Undefined | |||
1606-001 BtoB Sales Expert via Indirect Sales 1- BtoB, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution , 1... | Undefined | |||
1605-014 Fiber FTTH Technical Project Manager - Middle East 1- BtoB, 06- PMO, 07- Technique / Network, 6- Fibre / Fiber ... | Undefined | |||
1605-013 Fiber commercial launch PMO expert - Middle East 1- BtoB, 2- BtoC, 06- PMO , 2- Lancement / Launch , 05- Proc... | Undefined | |||
1605-012 Wholesale Marketing Expert 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing , 1- Datamining, Optimisation des cou... | Undefined | |||
1605-011 Door to door and trade marketing sales expert 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2-... | Undefined | |||
1605-010 Développeur confirmé webservices API (SOAP / REST) et Java JEE 08- Informatique / IT , 02- Français / French ... | Undefined | |||
1605-009 Développeur mobile (android, ios) 08- Informatique / IT , 5- Applications Mobiles / Mobile App... | Undefined | |||
1605-008 Expert RAN sharing - South East Asia 1- BtoB, 07- Technique / Network , 2- Partage réseau d'accès... | Undefined | |||
1605-007 Expert Ventes & Distribution - mission de coaching du CCO 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2-... | Undefined | |||
1605-006 BtoB Marketing expert - mobile, fiber, internet 2- Fixe Data / Landline Data, 01- GSM, 01- MNO, 6- Fibre / F... | Undefined | |||
1605-005 Ingénieurs Intégrateurs – développeurs C# 08- Informatique / IT , 02- Français / French ... | Undefined | |||
1605-004 Formateur Geomarketing Réseau de Distribution 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2-... | Undefined | |||
1605-003 Formateur Roaming et wholesale International Voix - Gestion du Business International chez les opérateurs 1- BtoB, 09- Wholesale et roaming , Vente de bande passante,... | Undefined | |||
1605-002 Formateur Innovation et Service Digital dans les Télécoms 01- Marketing, 05- Digital , 01- Formation / Training , 02- ... | Undefined | |||
1605-001 Formateur Mobile Money 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & D... | Undefined | |||
1604-010 Expert IT Drupal (l'architecture technique, la conception, le développement et l’intégration d'un intranet) 08- Informatique / IT , 1- Coach Agile / Scrum Manager, 2- A... | Undefined | |||
1604-009 Chef de projets SI (ZTE IN/Billing/Mediation/Provisioning) 06- PMO, 08- Informatique / IT , 4- Rapports d'activité vent... | Undefined | |||
1604-008 Expert Marketing BtoB - Refonte des offres fixe et convergence 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging countries, 1- Fixe Voix / La... | Undefined | |||
1604-007 Administrateur big data – développeur Big data 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Statistique et gestion des donnée... | Undefined | |||
1604-006 Data Analyste – développeur Big data 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Statistique et gestion des donnée... | Undefined | |||
1604-005 PMO multi projets - DSI 06- PMO , 3- Gestion de portefeuille de projets / Portfolio ... | Undefined | |||
1604-004 Chief Marketing Officer (full time expat job) 3- Mobile Money, 2- Hybrid, 6- Mmoney, 4- Mobile Carte sim... | Undefined | |||
1604-002 BtoB expert for an audit of the order and delivery process 1- Pays développés / Developed countries, 1- Fixe Voix / Lan... | Undefined | |||
1604-001 Expert Mobile Banking pour constitution de dossier EME 01- Marketing, 1- Pays développés / Developed countries, 2- ... | Undefined | |||
1603-005 Expert PMO projet Fibre 06- PMO , 2- Lancement / Launch , 2- Gestion de projet / Pro... | Undefined |