| Location | |||
1603-004 Interim CEO 1- BtoB, 2- BtoC, 14- PDG / CEO, 2- Marchés émergents / Emer... | Undefined | |||
1603-003 Expert wholesale domestique 1- BtoB, 09- Wholesale et roaming , Vente de minutes, Vente ... | Undefined | |||
1603-002 Expert Marketing BtoC - Fusion opérateur 2- Hybrid, 3- Postpayé / Postpaid, 1- BtoB, 2- Marchés émerg... | Undefined | |||
1603-001 Telecom Customer Base Management expert 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 1- Pays développés / Developed count... | Undefined | |||
1602-017 Expert RH - senior manager ou partner - Fusion d'opérateur 10- RH / HR, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging countries , 5- ... | Undefined | |||
1602-016 Expert Ventes & Distribution - Senior Manager ou Partner 6- Mobile Terminaux / Mobile Terminal, 2- Marchés émergents ... | Undefined | |||
1602-015 Expert PMO - Program Director - Fusion d'opérateurs 06- PMO , 5- Fusion Intégration / Mergers & Acquisitions , 3... | Undefined | |||
1602-014 PMO expert for operator integration following an acquisition 06- PMO, 1- Pays développés / Developed countries, 2- Marché... | Undefined | |||
1602-013 Chef de projet Use-Cases Big Data (interim) 3- Postpayé / Postpaid, 01- GSM, 1- Pays développés / Develo... | Undefined | |||
1602-012 Mobile money expert for operator integration following an acquisition 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & D... | Undefined | |||
1602-011 Communication and re-branding expert for operator integration following an acquisition 2- BtoC, 04- Communication, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging ... | Undefined | |||
1602-010 Sales & Distribution expert for operator integration following an acquisition 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2- Marchés ... | Undefined | |||
1602-009 BtoB Marketing expert for operator integration following an acquisition 01- Marketing, 01- GSM, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging coun... | Undefined | |||
1602-008 BtoC Marketing expert for operator integration following an acquisition 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 01- GSM, 2- Marchés émergents / Emer... | Undefined | |||
1602-007 HR expert for operator integration following an acquisition 10- RH / HR , 4- Plan de restructuration / Restructuring pla... | Undefined | |||
1602-006 Expert process 2- BtoC, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging countries, 6- Mmo... | Undefined | |||
1602-004 PMO pour lancement mobile money 06- PMO, 6- Mmoney , 2- Lancement / Launch , 1- Gestion de... | Undefined | |||
1602-003 Delivery Manager - Expert BSS la facturation telecom 1- BtoB, 06- PMO, 08- Informatique / IT, 1- Pays développés ... | Undefined | |||
1602-002 Telecom Operator Head of HR (full time job) 1- BtoB, 2- BtoC, 10- RH / HR, 1- Pays développés / Develope... | Undefined | |||
1602-001 Consultant Marketing - expert produits IT (infra IT, développement logiciel, infogérance, …) 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & D... | Undefined | |||
1601-008 Expert PMO projet Fibre 06- PMO , 2- Lancement / Launch , 2- Gestion de projet / Pro... | Undefined | |||
1601-007 Expert BI - audit des SI sources de données pour les univers mobile, fixe et internet BtoB 1- BtoB, 08- Informatique / IT , 2- Statistique et gestion d... | Undefined | |||
1601-006 Expert audit et management de réseau de boutiques propres d'opérateur télécom 01- MNO, 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distrib... | Undefined | |||
1601-004 Expert Marketing broadband 2- Marchés émergents / Emerging countries, 1- BtoB, 2- Mobil... | Undefined | |||
1601-003 Expert Mobile Money 3- Mobile Money, 2- BtoC, 01- MNO, 01- Marketing, 02- Vente ... | Undefined | |||
1601-002 Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage pour le Coaching des Chefs de Projets Lean Six Sigma (LSS) : 01 Black Belt + 10 Green Belt 03- Service client / Customer Care, 06- PMO, 08- Informatiqu... | Undefined | |||
1601-001 Etude d'opportunité pour le lancement d’un MVNO destiné aux communautés Sénégalaise, Mauritanienne et Guinéen en France 01- MNO, 01- GSM, 02- MVNO, 1- Pays développés / Developed c... | Undefined | |||
1512-006 Marketing expert in definition of telecom offers catalogue for BSS transformation projects in 7 countries 01- Marketing, 1- Prépayé / Prepaid, 2- Hybrid, 3- Postpayé ... | Undefined | |||
1512-005 Consultant Provisioning KPSA - Kabira Provisioning & Service Activation (Tibco fulfillment provisioning) 08- Informatique / IT, 01- GSM , 5- Provisioning, 2- Gestion... | Undefined | |||
1512-004 Responsable communication externe et marketing opérationnel 05- Digital, 1- Pays développés / Developed countries , 3- C... | Undefined | |||
1512-003 Ingénieur radio 07- Technique / Network, 01- GSM, 3- Wimax, 1- Pays développ... | Undefined | |||
1512-002 BtoC Marketing expert 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 1- Prépayé / Prepaid, 01- GSM, 01- M... | Undefined | |||
1512-001 CIO in an English speaking country in Sub-saharian Africa 5- Mobile Recharge / Mobile air-time, 01- GSM, 6- Mmoney, ... | Undefined | |||
1511-008 Expert wholesale biststream et vente en gors d'abonnement 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing, 09- Wholesale et roaming , 2- Défini... | Undefined | |||
1511-007 Consultant BSCS - étude pré-migration de IX R2 à IX R4 08- Informatique / IT, 01- GSM, 7- DSL, 2- Marchés émergents... | Undefined | |||
1511-006 Sales strategy expert (door to door, indirect, own shops, franchise, telesales, internet) 7- DSL, 1- Pays développés / Developed countries, 8- Cable, ... | Undefined | |||
1511-005 Senior expert in sales - door to door (in telecommunication GSM and cable area) 01- MNO, 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distrib... | Undefined | |||
1511-004 Expert terminaux mobile (Sav, prêt, assurance) 01- Marketing, 03- Service client / Customer Care, 1- Pays d... | Undefined | |||
1511-003 Expert Marketing BtoB - TTM des nouvelles offres mobiles B2B et Go To Market 3- Wimax, 5- VSAT, 1- BtoB, 01- MNO, 01- Marketing, 2- Hybri... | Undefined | |||
1511-002 Etat des lieux call centers télé-ventes sur 6 pays 03- Service client / Customer Care , 1- Audit - due diligenc... | Undefined | |||
1511-001 DSI 08- Informatique / IT, 01- GSM, 2- Marchés émergents / Emerg... | Undefined | |||
1510-014 Expert marketing benchmark 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 01- GSM, 1- Pays développés / Develo... | Undefined | |||
1510-013 Expert Marketing et Digital - Reward client 2- BtoC, 01- Marketing, 2- Mobile Data, 01- MNO , 2- Program... | Undefined | |||
1510-012 Responsable de production IT 1- BtoB, 08- Informatique / IT, 01- MNO, 02- MVNO , 1- Europ... | Undefined | |||
1510-011 Chef de produit M2M 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing, 3- Postpayé / Postpaid, 1- Pays déve... | Undefined | |||
1510-010 Chef de Produit MVNE 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing, 3- Postpayé / Postpaid, 1- Pays déve... | Undefined | |||
1510-009 Chef de Produit Prepaid 1- BtoB, 01- Marketing, 1- Prépayé / Prepaid, 1- Pays dévelo... | Undefined | |||
1510-008 Directeur des Systèmes d’Information et des Télécommunications 1- BtoB, 07- Technique / Network, 08- Informatique / IT, 1- ... | Undefined | |||
1510-007 Mobile Money expert 2- BtoC, 02- Vente & Distribution / Sales & Distribution, 2-... | Undefined | |||
1510-006 Expert IBM - Systèmes IBM-AIX avec VPLEX et Recover Point 08- Informatique / IT ... | Undefined |