Scope of Work - Build Operate Transfer Customer Base Management
1- Background
The operator is the Joint Venture between 2 operators which currently is the #3 mobile player in the country. Since the creation of the JV, the operator has successfully merged the 2 organizations, integrated the network and IT systems and has been able to reposition its 2 brands in the Consumer Segment successfully.
The financial KPI of the Joint Venture are positive and the operator has reached a FCF positive position as well as achieving EBITDA ratio > 25%.
Nevertheless, due to focus on other operational metrics, we believe higher ambition shall be put in CBM activities during the next 15 months and we are approaching the market to engage a supplier able to provide to the operator a Build / Operate / Transfer CBM service from beginning of May 2018 to end of July 2019.
2- Current state of the operator CBM
The operator holds a 6,5 Million customer base with ASPU of 3,4 USD per month. The country is utmost prepaid market with the operator owning two brands. Overall annual churn is ~100%.
Currently there are very limited CBM activities, mainly focused on churn reduction. No robust post-campaign analysis has been done within last 6 months. There is local DWH platform operated by dedicated BI team. The DWH holds Customer Information data, Product information, CDRs, Refill, Balance information.
The operator has also implemented DPI in its network. BI team has capabilities to provide regular batch reports according to incoming Marketing and Finance requests and run regular scheduled jobs for CBM purpose. Direct marketing campaigns are now being launched in a manual manner. There is lack of CBM tool capabilities in terms of Big Data analytics, campaign automation and post-campaign insights.
3- Scope of Work
The consultancy company will support in :
Appointing for a period of 15 months of a full time CBM Director from May 1st 2018 to July 2019
4- Logistics / Terms
The assignment will start on May 1st 2018 and be based in the capital. Limited senior consultant partnership shall supervise this assignment but strong support will be given by local CEO and EVP International of the group
The vendor shall propose a fixed + variable term. The fixed term shall in principle be a cost based pricing using Central Asia and / or Russian salary references. From October 1st 2018 to July 2019, the vendor will receive 8% of the value created by the Direct Marketing Campaigns evaluated as such :
Gross Margin created (Revenue - Direct Cost- Direct Marketing Platform cost) of Target vs Control Group. Campaigns launched from October 2018 to July 2019 effect tracking period would be for consecutive 6 months after the campaign. Variable bonus part would be calculated and paid (if any) for 3 quarters and should be capped at maximum of 160k USD per quarter.
First quarter payment will be 30 days after the 6 month evaluation window, ie in July 2019 and last one will be in January 2020. Any negative campaigns will be netted off positive campaigns. The provider will not be penalised in the very unlikely event the total campaign value is proven to be negative.
5- Deadline to submit an offer
We expect to receive a detail offer as well as Consultants CVs by February 15 2018
01- Marketing5- CVM - Gestion de la valeur client / Customer Value Management2- Customer Base Management / CBM01- Anglais / English10- Russe / Russian
1. The CBM Director will report to CCO and have a 10-15 year track record of Telecommunication Marketing / Consultancy with at least 4 years important involvement in CBM activities.
2. Advanced English and Russian language knowledge are a Must.
3. The consultant will be able to sit at the CCO management team and have high influential skills as well as cultural and influential skills.
4. The candidate shall be autonomous.